Jennifer John
Jennifer John is based Liverpool in the UK has been at the forefront of choir development and working with voices from diverse communities for over 30 years. She is committed to providing accessible vocal training for all people and believes in singing for social change. Jennifer has recently won 2 awards for her recent virtual choir project, Love Sings which was created during Lockdown. • Liverpool City Region Culture and Creativity Awards 2020 • Association of Independent Musicians “Local Hero” awards 2021 https://www.jenniferjohnmusic.com/

Stefan Littmann
Stefan Littmann is a songwriter, composer and keyboard player/pianist from Hannover. Besides working as a live keyboard player for bands such as Strom&Wasser, Joachim Witt and RABEA, he is part of the team at the recording studio Institut für Wohlklangforschung. His musical career started, as most do, playing his mother’s pots and pans and the recorder before he had the first piano lessons at the age of 6. The fascination with music and especially keyboard instruments has remained with him ever since. As a graduate of the Hamburg Conservatory Popkurs and member of countless bands and ensembles, he has been working as a freelancer since 2015. In 2022 he will compose the music for the stage play Ja sind wir denn noch zu retten..? about the forest dieback in the German highland area Harz. With his band Strom&Wasser he will host the environmental protection project Die Rebellion der Gärten, that includes a tour with nearly 100 concerts, lectures and workshops all around Germany. Completing this kind of activism in music, he will participate in the World Choir for Peace Day, offering a workshop and creating an anthem of peace.

Suli Puschban
Poetisch, witzig, politisch aktuell und musikalisch auf dem Höhepunkt ihres Schaffens, fliegt Suli mit ihrer Musik die ganze Familie ins Weltall und zurück. Von Rock über Folk, Swing und Samba bis zu Reggae. Sie ist die Heldin der Kinder in Grundschulen, die Lieblingsliedermacherin engagierter Eltern und die Frau, die Prinzessin Lilifee getroffen hat. Die einzige Frontfrau einer Rockband in der deutschsprachigen Kinderliederlandschaft singt laut: »Ich hab die Schnauze voll von rosa!«